Posted by: QQmei | March 18, 2018

來自藝術家的問候>> Marisa say Hello to Children

Marisa MerlinHello again” to the children and villagers

Hello everybody!
哈囉  大家好!

I’m Marisa, the artist who in 2015 made the installation EARTH, which you restored with a hard and great work: I’m very honored of it and I’m very happy to come back to meet you all again, to say thank-you in person, and get to know the younger children.

I still live in Padova in Italy, a few kilometers from Venice, the town built on water, and which now has many problems due to sea level rise.

Padua is a beautiful city with many ancient artistic buildings, many historical squares where every day there are very crowded markets. We have also one of the oldest Public Universities in the world with thousands of international students.

But I was born and grew up in a farm, in a small village, not far from a wetland where there are fishermens and clam and mussel breeders, a bit like in Cheng-Long! (I really like spaghetti with clams! …. and pizza too!)

1-My daugther Piera_


My daughter Piera, now 29, still lives in Brussels, Belgium, working as architect. But she is also a very good photographer, she uses the analog camera, printing herself  the photos.


2-My sister Lorenza_My sister Lorenza, who has been a flight attendant for many years, is also a glider pilot and a good painter. She often paints clouds!

Since I was in Cheng Long in 2015 I continued my work as environmental artist, still making outdoor site-specific art installations, both in the natural and urban environment.

For example, last year in Orebro in Sweden I made a large installation of 7 “Stalagmites” more than 5 meters high, made with strips of more than 8000 of scrap aluminum cans, to talk about the sedimentation of waste that changes our landscape.

3-Marisa Merlin_STALAGMITES_OpenART17_Sweden-cm 700x600xh580

But I also made works in the woods with natural materials, like the installation “Starfish” made with big and very heavy tree trunks; and also the “Egg” intertwining thin flexible branches, and a “Tribute to the Tree” by twisting long branches. I also gave some art talks, and led workshops for children and adults.

4-STARFISH-BoscoArteStenico16-and me-cm550X550X85


For my next installation in Cheng Long I was inspired by the ancient Chinese bridges and the self supporting bridge designed by Leonardo da Vinci, an artist, inventor, scientist, polyhedral of the Italian Renaissance: I hope you’ll enjoy my next work.

This year I’ll replace a Peruvian artist, Karen, who unfortunally couldn’t come, and that I would like now to greet here with you: I hope to be up to the substitution!

5-making-the-installation- TRIBUTE TO THE TREE-

“Tribute to the Tree”

Reminding the fantastic time had in Cheng Long last time, I’m very much looking forward to meeting you all again, building something nice togheter, and have the occasion to learn something more from you!

Meanwhile, I say you an italian “CIAO!” ( it means both  HI! and GOOD BYE!, pronunce = CHAO)



  1. Jane and I look forward to seeing you again.

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